Nov. 20, 2005, by akane


Such a lovely autumn day, of course Incubus people should have a party! The venue was Studio K. The attendees were not only kinbaku-lovers, but also Incubus-ish kinky people. We really missed them a lot!

Our old friend, Pedro, came from Portugal all the way to practice kinbaku. We are always impressed with his strong motivation to learn shibari, not to mention his skills. Kinbaku knows no borders, but communication is another thing. Alice, a friend of Pedro and a freelance journalist, also joined us. Hope many of our guests tried Pedro imaginative shibari.


今回、予想以上の参加者でしたが、モデルのHちんが頑張ってくれたのでけっこう皆さん縛れたのではないかと思います。あと個人的には女の人の参加も多かったようで嬉しかったです。声と笑顔もキュートに銀座のBHで女王さまをやったりしているMさん(お店ではAさん?)や、胸全開で(←いいなあ・・・)緊縛放置されてるSさんTさん出張中にも関わらず当然のごとくいてくれるRさん。遅れてかけつけてくれたYさんも路上ライブ以来久しぶりに会えて嬉しかった。吊りもどんどんうまくなってるYさんに吊られ長期戦で格闘するSー様Kー様(台湾にホントに来て下さいね)。Kさんの舌は絶句ですう。速攻で縄酔いしちゃう初参加のMさんは、MM Shin神凪さんに縛ってもらってましたが、本音の感想を聞きたいな〜。Pさんが連れて来てくれた初参加のTさんの感想も聞いてみたいし。初と言えば、モデルのように背の高いNさん&Mさんカップル。縛りやムチやらとても楽しんでくれたみたい!今回も参加のTさん&Dさん、相変わらず余裕の縛りをコンスタントにやってくれて。私たちも二人のようになれるかなあ?それから忙しい中来てくれたSさん&Mさん。この二人の緊縛ないとインキュって感じしないのだ。体調壊しつつ来てくれたCさんは、インキュで脱いでフィニッシュしてた姿が忘れられないです。今度は体調を万全に昔のように脱いじゃってほしいです。脱ぎ系と言えば、Sさんも床でゴロゴロいぢめられているし、Yさんもどこで買ったのと聞きたくなるような主張の激しい緑のアンダー・・・。あれ、今回の影の主催者のMさんに縛ってもらうの忘れた!

まとめ役はタイヘンだけれど、やってみると楽しかったです。メールが返ってくるたび二人で一喜一憂したり、MM Shin がメソメソする私を元気づけてくれたり。そしてパーティーを支えてくれる人、心から楽しんでくれる人。なんか、生きてる〜って感じの緊縛会でした!ボジョレーワインやビール、お菓子や氷など、私たちが気がつかない点に目を配って下さって皆さん、ありがとうございました。会場準備も万全で、安全・快適に緊縛会を終了できてホント満足でした。


Going my way, I immediately asked Hitsuji san to suspension me. The structure of his shibari was new to me, and the tension was perfect. I liked it. I then asked Yashin, who never touched ropes since Incubus closed, to tie me inside the cage. I was suspended like a real cat! I loved their occasional direct gaze & upward glance during the shibari.

During the short party, the guests seems to be busy doing lots of shibari. Thanks to our shibari model Haruka chan. I (and most of us, I believe:) was happy to see many girls turning up. Mari, who works for a fetish bar Black Heart in Ginza as a mistress, impressed everyone with her lovely smile and pleasant voice. Saori san was the eye-catcher when she was tied topless on the bed (I wish I have her beautiful breasts!). Although Tougo was absent due to his business trip, Rui showed up to support the party. She is always the angel of Incubus. Yuko, who I haven’t met since R’s street performance, took her time just to enjoy the last moment. Sui san was tied by Yama but did not stop trifling with her friend Kyo, who has a cool real forked tongue (you have to see the photo!). Young, lovely Mio is a new comer. When being tied, she would easily fall into “shibari trance”. Both Kanna and MM Shin tied her, and I want to know her real comments :).

Pedro and Alice’s friend Takatori also visited us for the first time. Nao and Mayu, a new couple tall and nice looking like models, did not hesitate demonstrating a shibari and whipping session! Dai and Taka always looked relaxed, talking and tying. I wish MM Shin and I could be elegant like them some day. Sam and Mico also turned up. Without them, it would not feel like an Incubus party. It was a pity that Chaser was not good in shape that day and did not take his clothes off like he always did. Wish he will enjoy the party more next time. I enjoyed watching other naked men instead. Mr. S get stepped, whipped and spanked on the floor. I really wanted to ask Yoshi asn where he bought his assertive and gorgeous green underwear. …Oh, I forgot to ask Miro, the shadow organizer of this party, to suspend me!

It was fun to organize a party, however exhausting it was. MM Shin and I were thrilled every time we received e-mails. I was worried whether it would be a successful party but MM Shin would always comfort me and show his support. All the friends supported us and enjoyed the party from their hearts.

Thanks to those who brought Beaujolais nouveau, beer, snacks and ice cubes!. The site setting was so perfect that we could enjoy kinbaku party safe and sound. Thanks so mcuh. I love you all.
That’s all for Incubus daytime kinbaku party in autumn. The next party will be nocturnal dark kinbaku, right?

最後修改日期: 26 11 月, 2005




今日は、緊縛会のレポート拝見致しました。 何だか、楽しそうですね^^ また、開催されるのであれば、お邪魔したいな・・ と思っております。 それでは・・・


コメントありがとうございます!我ながらとっても楽しい緊縛会でした! 今度は神凪さん主催で12月16日にクリスマス&忘年会がありますよん。 詳細はこちら↓ ぜひぜひ、縛り縛られ、遊んで下さい!

あぁ・・・ミロは あかねこちゃんを縛ってない ・・・・・・・・・・\(* ><)/




說到犬裝就想到這個: 不過這實在是太高檔了…


老大, 這穿起來大概很辛苦吧,以台灣的天氣,還是戴條尾巴就好..:P


こないだは、ありがとうでした! &すげーたのしかったす。 これからも、緊縛がんばるぞー!! で、自分が縛った画像もらっても(おとしても)良いですか?


もちろん送りまーす。ひつじさん&私のはモザイクなしで送っちゃうよーん。 待っててねー。Yーシンさんにも送るよ〜。


先日は、ありがとうございました。 久しぶりの緊縛会で、とても楽しめましたよ。 写真受け取りました。ありがとうございま~す。 ささ、次回に向けて、縄の修行をせねば・・・



あーーーー羨ましいぞぉ。 もうすっかり縄を使うことがなくなって、 縛りも忘れ…。 また初心者からいつか復活いたします。 そのときは縛らせてね。。。

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