Nov 13. 2005 by Shin
將近一年多不見的葡萄牙朋友 Pedro 又來到了日本。在他的介紹之下我們到離家其實不遠的匠之沙龍見面,並認識了居住在日本的美國朋友 Alice 與 Mark。Alice 帶了一段明智伝鬼追悼式的繩子,讓 Pedro 當場祭拜。與 Pedro 聊起這段時間發生的風風雨雨,難免覺得感慨。
Our old friend Pedro is back to Japan again. We met in Takumi’s Salon in Sugamo and were introduced to his friends Alice and Mark. Alice brought Pedro a section of hemp rope from the memorial service of Akechi Denki so he can pray to it.
The host Takumi demonstrated some suspension, and we cannot wait to do some shibari either. Being new here, however, I ended up practicing my most confident yokotsuri — again!
Our old friend Pedro is back to Japan again. We met in Takumi’s Salon in Sugamo
and were introduced to his friends Alice and Mark. Alice brought Pedro a section of hemp rope from the memorial service of Akechi Denki so he can pray to it.
The host Takumi demonstrated some suspension, and we cannot wait to do some shibari either. Being new here, however, I ended up practicing my most confident yokotsuri — again!

之後 Pedro 示範這套從神凪那兒模仿的吊縛。真是令人歎為觀止,贏得滿堂采。嗯,下回一定要試試看!Pedro then showed me this tsuri he imitated from Kanna. This is so beautiful!Pedro then showed me this tsuri he imitated from Kanna. This is so beautiful!

The last photo was taken by Mark. A very good photographer, but he did not bring his camera with him and took the photo using mobile phone. We have to ask him to take some photos for us next time!

最後修改日期: 16 11 月, 2005



ペッちゃんの縄の形、綺麗になってるね。 テッポウできるとは ん~すごい。 右側に体重が傾いているようだけど 右手はしびれなかった?



Ohhhh! Pedro!! I wanna meet him, too! The biggest problem is my business trip in this week…uummm…

I’m sure he’d be eager to meet you too! Pedro will be meeting Kanna in a bar in Ikebukuro on this Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and next Money (I presume Akaneko has told you and you know the place?). If you have spare time this week, probably you can come by and say hello? (Hey I want to meet you too!) However, you may be rather busy before your business trip too. Well, you’ve got our mobile numbers, so let us know if you can come..



情书捉刀,謝謝您的建議。我只在網路上看過一些五花大綁的照片,知道得不多,不敢貿然嘗試。您可告訴我哪兒可找到相關資料嗎? 順便請問,五花大綁能在吊縛中使用嗎?

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