Dec. 16, 2005 by akane
神凪さんのパフォーマンスも終わり、皆さん、そろそろ酔いがまわって来たのでしょうか・・・。After Kanna’s shibari live, people continued the party.神凪表演過後,大家繼續玩樂…

ちょっとは縛りをやらねば・・・。Need to have our Christmas memorial shibari!

忙しい中ぎりぎりにやってきたHさんとYさんなど、パーティの時間は終わりに近づいてきても、まだまだパーティは盛り上がってます。そして、この日のハイライトはやっぱりSさんのメイド服!びっくりー!!モザイクかけちゃうと、フツーに似合いすぎていて、この感動がお伝えできないのが残念!実物はとてもかっこ良いので、ここで探してね。サンタのMi-coさんを縛るメイドのSさんが今年のフィナーレ!As the grand couple H & Y appeared almost at the end of the party, the party has just get started again. The highlight of the party was SAM in a maid costume! Unbelievable and unpredictable! It’s pity that he looked like just a lovely girl with his eyes masked. (Find his real figure somewhere here. He is such a cool surfer!) The finale of this year was the maid SAM, who ties the Santa Mi-co!Harukin 和 Yumi 直到 party 後半才姍姍來遲,大家都很高興見到他們。今晚最後的高潮是被迫穿上女傭裝的 Sam 和 Mico 的吊縛。

また来年も再来年もこうやってみんなで遊べたら良いな!では、今週末は皆さん、メリークリスマス!After the party ended, Incubus night birds flew to Sasquatch in Ikebukuro to continue the night. Thank you, every one. We really enjoyed the night with you. I wish we will have Incubus Christmas party next year and forever!Party 結束後,許多人到Sasquatch續攤。Incubus 的朋友們,耶誕快樂!

最後修改日期: 22 12 月, 2005




老大你真大方啊,如果是我的女奴被親我可能會受不了吧…:P 話說回來 rui 那套服裝真漂亮, 是自己做的嗎 ?




呵呵,那張是 Miro 用手遮住臉。沒親到,不過看起來真的很像。 🙂 Rui 那套不知是哪來的耶。我猜應該是原宿一類地方買的吧?日本蠻流行這個…

That’s an amazing series. If that was Christmas, then New Year’s is probably looking to be something rather special indeed. Nicely done. Brian

不好意思找不到留言板只好留在這裡 轉載的事情沒問題,也算半個愉虐邦愛用者, 很高興能有貢獻



Brian, Thanks for visiting again. 🙂 Unfortunately we spent the new year holidays eating and sleeping, and eating and sleeping… Zoo, 他是 Sam. 請參觀 .

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