Jan. 16, 2006 by Shin

一月初,我正準備搬家事宜,也認為Incubus 的耶誕 party是我在日本的最後一個 SM 活動了。很意外地,我卻收到了長田 Steve 的來信,「很不錯的網站,我們見個面吧!」他說。

長田 Steve 在亞洲各處遊歷數年後,1980 在日本定居,學習空手道與合氣道。後來他參與 SM 攝影,學習繩縛,最後繼承了長田英吉的姓氏。在日本/台灣的我們所熟知的繩師是明智伝鬼、乱田舞等人;在西方世界中,說到繩縛,長田 Steve 卻可能更為西方人熟知。佔了語言相通之便,繩縛被西方 BDSM 界注意,幾乎全靠他的引介(例如這篇 2004 年、介紹日本 BDSM 的文章仍寫道「令人驚訝地,日本 SMBD 圈以繩縛和吊縛為主,而不是鞭。」)。

Alice 與 akane

於是我們相約在一月十六日、他在乱舞館的表演之後見面,並邀了同樣認識 Steve 的 Alice 同行。我們在 Succubus 曾見過長田 Steve 一次,不過這次他看來比印象中更高大。他話不多,但出奇意料地友善,甚至送了我們一張他的 DVD 當作見面禮。表演時間雖快到了,他仍說希望看看我的繩縛。於是已經將近一個月沒碰繩子的我還是做了… 嗯,最有把握的橫吊。

Beginning of January. I expected that the Incubus Christmas party would be my last SM event in Japan and was preparing my move to Taiwan. Surprisingly, we received an email from the famous nawashi Osada Steve. “Nice website. Why don’t we meet up?”

While people in Taiwan are more familiar with names like Akechi Denki and Randa Mai, Osada Steve, who inherited his name from Osada Eikichi, is undoubtedly among the most well-known nawashis in the western world. After several years of travelling in Asia, he moved to Japan in 1980 to study karate and Aikido. Later he started fetish photography, met Osada Eikichi, and became his apprentice. He almost single-handedly introduced shibari to the western BDSM scene.

Alice and akane

So we met in 16th of January, the day when he had a live performance in Ranbukan, together with our mutual friend Alice. We have met Steve once in Succubus, but this time he looked even taller than in my memory. Steve did not talk much, but was surprisingly friendly and nice. He gave us one of his DVDs as a gift, and wanted to see my shibari. Not having touched the rope for almost a month, I cowardly did my most confidently yokotsuri again…

インキュバスのクリスマスパーティが日本での最後のSMイベントなんだなーって思いながら引越の準備を始めた一月の初旬。そんな中、あの 長田スティーブから突然の「いいサイトやってるね。今度会わないかい?(“Nice website. Why don’t we meet up?”)」というメールをもらってびっくり!




Steve 沒有什麼門戶之見,仍保持著好奇心,甚至不介意問一些他覺得有意思的細節。之後他的 live 表演開始。Steve 把 model 仰著吊起,然後變化了數個姿勢。akane 大為讚嘆,表演過後立刻忍不住向 Steve 表達讚美:「一切很順暢,完全沒有間斷!」

之後是 Steve 接受觀眾要求繩縛的時段。Alice 幫 akane 傳話:「akane 想被綁綁看,但她不想當第一個。所以,我先來吧!」其實 Alice 自己也很迫不及待吧?Steve 和 Alice 比較熟識,綁起她來比較大膽而狂野。輪到 akane 時則細心溫柔多了。出乎意料地,Steve 叫我過去:「我慢慢綁,讓你看清楚。」我驚喜地邊看邊學。
An established nawashi as he is, Steve still has a curious mind and wanted to know the details he was interested in. Soon it was time for his live performance. Steve suspended the model, and changed position several times. Akaneko was very impressed and could not help praising “The change of positions is seamless! Amazing!”

After the performance it was time for Steve to take requests from the audiences. Alice passed akane’s message to Steve: “akane wants to be tied, but does not want to be the first. So, I’ll do it!” Thank you, Alice. 🙂

Being more familiar with Alice, Steve was able to put more sadistic elements in his shibari with Alice. When he tied akane, he became more careful and gentle. Surprisingly, he wanted me to approach. “I’ll do it slowly so you can learn it.” It was so kind of him!





Steve 示範的吊縛基本上和剛才表演時的一樣,吊縛完成、裝飾做好之後相當華麗。在日本見過幾位繩師,從沒有人像他如此地大方不藏私,把大家都當作愛繩縛的夥伴,沒有架子地交流技巧。我想,他會成功不是沒有理由的吧。
I’ve met several nawashis in Japan, but none of them were as generous as Steve. He does not hesitate teaching others everything, and does not shy away from asking when he sees interesting bits in other styles of shibari. He is friendly and humorous at times. It is as if he really loves shibari and treats everyone as friends who share the same interest. That is the reason behind his success, I believe.


最後修改日期: 21 1 月, 2006



Wow. Excellent images. Nice post. When do you move to Taiwan? It’s been rainy here in Taipei lately. 🙂

dude, i appreciate this. thanks!


Brian: in fact, the day after tomorrow! Let’s meet up some time. 🙂 tietight: thanks for all the support! 🙂

Sorry I missed this one. I saw Steve-san perform last Saturday at Studio 6. I took pics of the session 🙂 I’ve been to Ranbukan once, on a Monday when Steve-san performed, but I don’t know anyone there when Steve-san isn’t performing, so I’m somewhat shy about coming in on my own.

本当に日本を発つんだね。 しん君&あかねこちゃんと出会ってからの 一日一日がとても楽しかったのを思い出します。 「これからのしん君&あかねこちゃんの行く末に幸あれ。」 遠い日本から祈っています。

Hi Shin & Akaneko, It was really nice meeting you at Ranbukan. And thank you for teaching me two very cool and nifty ties. A) How to get more balance out of the main tsurinawa in the yokozuri, and B) how to apply this donawa / momonawa thing. I will be using these two from now on, and whenever I do, I will think of you. Let’s meet again, and pls teach me some more. Sincerely, Osada Steve

Happy Chinese New Year! Shin nian kwai la! – Brian


Dear Steve, Thanks for leaving a comment and, it should be me to thank you for all the teaching. 🙂 Later that week, I managed to reproduce the tsuri you taught me. Will update the photos probably after Chinese New Year…. Wish you all the best in Japan! Hope we will see each other again soon.


Dear Brian, Happy New Year! I’m in Taiwan now. How should I contact you? I’ll write you an email.

I got your email and replied. BTW, it’s off topic here but there is a big cosplay event at National Taiwan University this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) . . . links at http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/cosplay/index.html . . . – Brian

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