November 26, 2006 by Shin

攝影: NightWish
Photography: NightWish
A symposium held in Wistaria House (紫藤蘆), hoping to set the tune for the Nawatsuya performance this year. “There is no point asking ‘Is it porn or art?’ Porn is a necessity, and we were never interested in art without a erotic touch,” so we told the journalists.
攝影: NightWish
Linda 笑得有點僵…いろいろありリンダの笑顔はひきつっています・・・Linda’s frozen smile…
來了苦勞網與 Taipei Times 的記者。メディアからの出席は「苦労網 」と「Taipei Times」の二社。We’ve got journalists from CoolLoud and Taipei Times.
中國行為藝術家余極。余極 (Yu Ji): 中国出身のパフォーマンスアーチストYu Ji, a performance artist from China.
臨界點劇象錄劇團團長詹慧玲。臨界點劇象錄劇團の詹慧玲 (Grace Zhan)Grace Zhan, Critical Point Theater Phenomenon.