[:zh]March 14. by Shin

- <a href="https://bittersweet.asia/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/images/2007/0314/DSC00761.jpg" rel="lightbox[whiteday]" title="留下恐怖的紅痕”>
留下恐怖的紅痕 - <a href="https://bittersweet.asia/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/images/2007/0314/DSC00762.jpg" rel="lightbox[whiteday]" tite="抱歉唷…”>
[:en]March 14. by Shin
We mentioned in our article about the White Day that there was an accident. Here are the details.
I planned to take some photos acting hanging. I would wrap the rope on Akane’s neck, and ask her to stand on her toes. I used to believe that as long as any part of her body was touching the ground, she would be able to shift the weight and it would be safe.
So I wrapped the rope on her neck and said to her “Tell me if you feel anything uncomfortable” before pulling the rope and making her standing on her toes. Then I fastened the rope using the standard procedure. It shouldn’t have taken more than 20 seconds before I fastened the rope.
Then I noticed that Akane was not able to stand!
In panic, I tried to release her as quick as possible. She came back to conscience after trembling for several seconds, coughing. She said the last thing she remembered was when I said “Tell me if you feel anything uncomfortable.” The next thing she know, she was lying on the floor already. Later she recalled that she did saw all her memory flying before her eyes. It was merely several tens of seconds for me, but she felt it was quite long.
- <a href="https://bittersweet.asia/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/images/2007/0314/DSC00761.jpg" rel="lightbox[whiteday]" title="The red mark lasted for about a week…”>
The red mark lasted for about a week… - <a href="https://bittersweet.asia/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/images/2007/0314/DSC00762.jpg" rel="lightbox[whiteday]" tite="I’m sorry…”>
I’m sorry…
We were both quite shocked. Although she was on the noose for several seconds only, that was intense enough to leave a red mark, which stayed on her neck for about a week.
Perhaps it was not possible for people to stand on the toes for too long, unless there were some other supports. When she was not able to support her body on her toes anymore, the weight just fell on the neck and cut her oxygen supply.
At any rate, tying the neck is extremely dangerous. We were lucky this time. I would advice you never attempt to try it at all!
[:ja]March 14. by Shin
首吊りみたいな写真(趣味悪いよ!by Akane)を撮ろうとしました。あかねの首に縄を巻き、つま先立ちしてもらったんですけど、体のどこかが床に接着していれば、あかねは体重移動ができるから安全だと思ってました。
- <a href="https://bittersweet.asia/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/images/2007/0314/DSC00761.jpg" rel="lightbox[whiteday]" title="赤い縄の縛り跡”>
赤い縄の縛り跡 - <a href="https://bittersweet.asia/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/images/2007/0314/DSC00762.jpg" rel="lightbox[whiteday]" tite="ごめね…”>
とにかく、首吊りはスゴク危険です(当たり前のような気もする・・・:) by Akane)。今回は不幸中の幸いだったけれど、これは皆さん、ヤメましょう・・・。
哇~~ 原來是不行的啊~~ …幻滅了… 可是覺得有那樣的紅痕好美 XD
devilcake, 留下痕跡以後一個禮拜不能出門也蠻麻煩哩… 還是用口紅畫一畫就好了吧… 🙂
好可怕ㄉ經驗@@ 只要一失衡就會馬上失去意識ㄉ說… 那種感覺很可怕~~~
Thanks for posting this . . . your close call (and it was a very close call) is a worthwhile reminder to those who take even fewer safety precautions than you. I hope that Akane did see a physician later, be aware of any internal obstructions caused by the compression. Take care. The final effect for the photo wasn’t worth the risk, esp. considering all the other options you have and much more powerful photos you’ve taken within much safer contexts. Take care. – Brian
気道圧迫の縛りは私もやるけど、最初に体縛ってから首は最後にしてます。 あと、首に掛けた縄は手で引っ張って初めて圧迫するようにしていて、極力固定しないようにしてます。 ちょっと絞めて、直ぐ緩めて、また絞めて・・・の繰り返しで。 首を最初に持ってきてしまうとトラブルのときにやはり怖いですね・・・
Dear 小林: 久久不見 看到這一篇還真有點shark說~!! 多保重嚕 這種事一不小心 可能不自知他的發生呢!! anyway 太久沒來 這邊的介面都不太瞭解了呢…>0
Tougo san, thanks for leaving a message! I’m thinking about visiting Japan and joining your event in May. Hope to see you soon! Brian, yes, we felt that it is necessary to post this article to inform people of possible danger. She is fine now, thanks! Still we cannot help feeling chilled everytime we talk about this incident… f0, 鯊魚?鯊魚? XD 謝謝來留言唷。Blog 的留言界面都差不多吧?
小林師哥, 今次為何那麼大意, 令到靚靚的紅音小姐, 留下一條血痕, 幸好有專業人士在場監督, 不至發生重大意外. 其他的人要玩真的要加倍小心. 紅音小姐要多點休息吧xdxd
生きててよかったぁ・・・・ ご無事で何より・・・・ 私も十分に気をつけなくちゃなぁ。
ほんと、死ぬかと思った「みたい」です。 ちょっとトラウマかも・・・。 それよりヤーシンさん、12日の四縛会来れないんですよね。残念!
ほんと、残念です。 当日は、仕事なんですが、 もしかして、もしかすると、3次会くらいの時間帯なら、 乱入するかもです。 途中で冷凍車をほおりだしてね。
的確是很危險!幸好沒事。 我通常先用繩索綁住手臂先做懸吊,脖頸的繩子只是做個樣子而已。
While it’s scary to read, I’m glad to hear nothing serious happened. In case you haven’t already figured out what the problem was I have a suggestion. While it takes quite some effort to make someone pass out from lack of air, by pressing on the windpipe it takes far less force to make them pass out by pressing on the carotid arteries that run along the side of the neck and supply the brain with fresh oxygen-rich blood. A lot of martial artists, especially judo fighters work with techniques like that. While passing out from this itself is not that dangerous and you can quickly recover from it, it becomes very dangerous when it leads to further pressure on the neck eg because one has a rope around the neck as in your case. And last but not least there are some people whose arteries have a sort of hyper-sensitivity. When you apply even moderate pressure to their neck arteries their blood pressure goes down rapidly and they can pass out. All the best, StrangeLove
Enjoyed your work! Excellent! Could you help me with the BDSM scene in Japan?
StrangeLove, thanks for the explanation. I guess Akane is probably one of those whose arteries are more sensitive. We were lucky this time. I’ve got to be extra careful from now on. Master J.D., sure, how may I be of assistance? 🙂
コミュニティとそのような重要な情報を共有していただきありがとうございます! 私はあなたが両方この経験から回復し、あなたの後ろにそれを置くことができることを願っています。 あなたが学ぶために私たちのすべてにとって重要な教訓を共有している。 私の深い敬意。 ピーター —————— Thank you for sharing such vital information with the community! I hope you will both recover from this experience and be able to put it behind you. You have been sharing an important lesson for all of us to learn by. My deepest respect. Peter
Dear Peter, Thanks! It all happened 3 years ago. I kind of remembered that it took about a week for the red marks on her neck to disappear, but we are both fine. I think I’d never try anything related to breath control again, and would recommend my students/friends against so. It might be possible for some people to master the technique, but not for me.
Dear Mr Nawakiri Shin Although it’s almost three years later from your original post, I’m glad to see that both of you have been preserving yourselves from breath control plays. Thank you so much for sharing this frightening experience with the world so that other people can understand that it’s very dangerous and that the line of “reasonable risk” is quite thin on this type of play. Hope we can meet in person someday! Best regards from Buenos Aires camelia