[:zh]Photos taken on January 22, 2011.

繩縛攝影網站Rope Magic於2003年由スズキ レイジ開設,剛好是我去日本的那年。在當年繩縛照大多模仿大木真澄或杉浦則夫式的幽黯路線時,スズキ的明亮、優雅風格顯得獨樹一格,在繩縛愛好者圈內頗有名氣。

離開日本前我們鼓起勇氣應徵 model, スズキ欣然同意,但很不巧地總是錯過彼此有空的時間。直到 2011 年初我們終於趁著參加冬縛的機會和他約上。スズキ自己包辦繩縛和攝影,在三個小時中很有效率地完成。

スズキ的繩縛很有自己的風格。更多照片請見 Rope MagicBlooming.

[:en]Photos taken on January 22, 2011.

The shibari photography site Rope Magic was established by Suzuki Reiji in 2003, which happened to be the year I moved to Japan. During the days when most shibari photos tend to imitate the dark theme from early SM magazines, the bright, elegant style of Suzuki stood out and became famous within the shibari circle.

In 2009 before we left Japan, we volunteered to be his model, and Suzuki san kindly agreed. Unfortunately we never managed to arrange the time, and had to wait until January 2011 when we went to Japan to perform in Toubaku to find the one day when we were all free. Suzuki efficiently did the shibari as well as the photo shooting all by himself.

Suzuki developed his own unique style of shibari. For more photos of Akari, see the gallery Blooming on Rope Magic.

[nggallery id=1]
[:ja]Photos taken on January 22, 2011.

Rope Magic(ロープマジック)」という緊縛写真サイトをスズキレイジさんが立ち上げたのは2003年(私が日本に住み始めた年でもあります)。当時の緊縛写真は初期のSM雑誌の影響のせいか陰鬱なテーマが多かったですが、レイジさんの写真においては輝きとエレガントさが際立ち、その新しいスタイルは縛りの世界で有名になりました。



[nggallery id=1][:]

最後修改日期: 5 5 月, 2015



这个系列印象太深刻了.原来是两位的合作作品,赞到底…. 这位神秘S的状况挺想了解下的,很不错的一次旅程.

Nice picture set. -Brian

