


無論如何,再拖下去也不是辦法。「縄霧給樂嶼」是夥伴起的名字,「給樂嶼」三字取 “Gallery” 的諧音。我不確定這系列攝影能給讀者多少快樂的感覺。且看著辦吧!





2011 年,我透過水晶的引介認識了王志偉(Franco Wang)老師。Franco 想拍繩縛題材;能與功力深厚的知名攝影師合作,也讓我躍躍欲試。然而 Akaneko 已不願再拍照。我將此事一直拖著,直到 Franco 的一句話打動了我:「把現在的時光捕捉下來,以後會是很珍貴的。」我決定再試著說動 Akaneko 一次。

與 Franco 合作是很舒服的經驗。他總會說「當我不在就好了」。我們能以自己的步調進行,不需刻意擺姿勢給他,把攝影的重擔放在他肩上。

Franco 很能捕捉感情的流動,他的照片總是有故事的。能有這樣的機緣,很幸運。


Since around two years ago, friends in BDSM.TW have been encouraging me to publish a series of photos, following the successful Mai’s Midnight Rope Festival (舞夜繩祭) series of Mai Maya. Since then I have met many photographers and models, and accumulated quite a number of photos. For two years, however, the project has been stalling. I have only recently realised why: with each photo there is some memory, some sweet, some sorrow, and to present the photos is to recall the memories, face my true feelings, in order to tell a story. I am not sure I am ready for that yet.

Anyway, I have decided to push myself a bit. Here it goes.

[nggallery id=6]

Year 2011, I was introduced to Franco Wang. He is interested in taking some shibari-themed photos, while I was excited to have this chance working with a famous photographer. However, Akaneko has lost her interest in modelling. I hesitated, until Franco persuaded me: “Catch the moment now, which will be precious years later.” I decided to ask Akaneko to model for a rope session again.

It was a happy experience working with Franco. “Just pretend that I were not here,” he would always say. We could do what we always did, and leave the photo shooting to him.

Franco is good at capturing the emotions beneath the scenes. I was lucky to have this chance.

Also published onBDSM.TW[:]

最後修改日期: 5 5 月, 2015



