[:zh]April 10, 2007. by Shin
不知不覺中,這裡居然已經三個月沒更新了。許多朋友擔心發生了什麼事?其實,只是因為我從五月開始就忙到現在,而 SM 活動都成了永遠輪不到的「第三件」事情。以下是一些四月中拍好,但從沒時間整理的照片…
[:en]April 10, 2007. by Shin
It has been 3 months since this site was updated last time! Many friends of us enquired what happened (a big thank you to all of you!). In fact, we were just terribly busy for the past few months, and all SM related events have always been the third item on my “to-do” list while the first two items were never finishing. Finally having finished a major event of the year last week, here are some tsuri photos we took in April but never got time to process and put online..
[:ja]April 10, 2007. by Shin
気がつけば3ヶ月ぶりの更新です。心配してくれたみんな、ありがとう、ちゃんと生きています。実は単純に忙しくて、SMごとは優先順位的に3番目くらいになっちゃってました。(「そうだったの?知らなかった!」by Akane) 先週、大っきな仕事が片付いたので、4月に撮った吊りの写真をちょっとだけ載せておきま〜す。それにしても、ウェブサイト用に加工するのはメンドウです。
この後は どのように転回したの?
そんなにぐるぐる回ってないよ~って、転回って、もしかして展開? いや、それとも「プレーボーイ縛り」のことを言っているのかな? まぁ、とりあえず、ぐるぐるぐる・・・
該推出dvd影片檔到市面上販賣 雜誌也可以
Glad to see you’re back. We were starting to worry about you.
And . . . that’s an amazing gallery.
水準很高 最後一張的角度最美
hi Shin, it’s a pleasant surprise to find this link accidentally, i was browing for SM motels for me and my little slave, and thank you for your efforts. hopefully i’ll have the honor to join one of your activities in Taiwan, i consider myself as a S and would like to learn more about bondage art 😉