
Back to the Basics — Pedro’s One-Year Tribute to Akechi Denki

July 18.[lang_zh]去年的昨天,繩師明智伝鬼辭世。一年後,曾與明智伝鬼學習繩縛的葡萄牙繩師 Pedro拍攝了一系列名為「Back to the Basics」的照片,以追本溯源的心情重現明智伝鬼的繩藝。他特別選了這天提供照片給我們,希望與大家一起紀念這位一代繩師。[/lang_zh][lang_en]Akechi Denki, one of the most respected nawashi, passed away on 17th July 2005, one year ago yesterday. One year later, our Portuguese friend Pedro who learnt shibari from Akechi sensei, took a series of photos as a one-year tribute to Akechi. Under the title "Back to the Basics", he hopes to relive the techniques of Akechi sensei. Pedro chose this particular date to send us the photos, so that people do not forget about Akechi, his love to rope, and his teachings.[/lang_en][lang_ja]Akechi Denki, one of the most respected nawashi, passed away on 17th July 2005, one year ago yesterday. One year later, our Portuguese friend Pedro who learnt shibari from Akechi sensei, took a series of photos as a one-year tribute to Akechi. Under the title "Back to the Basics", he hopes to relive the techniques of Akechi sensei. Pedro chose this particular date to send us the photos, so that people do not forget about Akechi, his love to rope, and his teachings.[/lang_ja]

Meeting Osada Steve in Ranbukan

Jan. 16 [lang_zh]在日本見過幾位繩師,從沒有人像他如此地大方不藏私,把大家都當作愛繩縛的夥伴,沒有架子地交流技巧。我想,他會成功不是沒有理由的吧。[/lang_zh][lang_en]I've met several nawashis in Japan, but none of them were as generous as Steve. It is as if he really loves shibari and treats everyone as friends who share the same interest. That is the reason behind his success, I believe.[/lang_en][lang_ja](なーんてタイトルですが)乱舞館で定期ライブをやっている長田スティーブにお会いしてきました。今回は MM Shin の記事だよーん。スティーブはフレンドリーでデカイ縄師![/lang_ja]

The Finale of Incubus Christmas

Dec. 16. [lang_ja]メイドのSさん & サンタのMi-coさんの緊縛でフィナーレ![/lang_ja][lang_en] The highlight of the night was kinbaku of the maid SAM and the Santa Mi-co![/lang_en][lang_zh]最後的高潮是女傭裝 Sam 和耶誕裝 Mico 的吊縛...[/lang_zh]

Kanna’s Performance @ Incubus Christmas Party

Dec 16. [lang_zh]好久沒看到神凪的繩縛表演了![/lang_zh][lang_ja]皆さんお待ちかねの神凪さんの縛り!受け手のモデル、Mおちゃん、しゃべりは天然だけど、縛られるとどんどん縄酔いに入って行く〜。紅潮する表情にドキドキです。[/lang_ja][lang_en]At last, we got to see Kanna's shibari live performance again! The model is Kanna's partener, Mio.[/lang_en]

Last Visit to Salon Kitagawa

Dec 3. [lang_ja]迷惑のかけ通しだった喜多川サロンの皆様。私たちの最後の訪問を暖かく迎えてくれてありがとうございました。[/lang_ja][lang_en]"It should be alright this time," said Kitagawa san. It was. It is difficult to describe what made the difference. Slight differences in tension here and there, all these together results in a more balanced structure. Shibari is a difficult art.[/lang_en][lang_zh]我無法具體說出有什麼不同,但我確實感覺到這次一切都順利。這裡鬆緊恰到好處,那裡固定得夠結實,這一點那一點的小差異加起來,結果就是這次對了,而上次不對。[/lang_zh]