Dec. 3, 2005 by Shin
Incubus 結束後,老顧客們頓時像是失去了家,各自找新處所安頓。漸漸地,喜多川沙龍成為我的主要去處。每個月大約兩次,從下午三點到晚上十點,長達七個小時的時間在不斷綁、吊的練習中總是過得飛快,很神奇地竟總是忘了要吃晚飯。我和 akane 也許是這裡最勤快的學生,在技術上卻總是遠遠不及這兒的其他人。在這裡我見識到最高超的繩縛,學到了不少技巧,因處理事情不斷犯錯給沙龍主人添了不少麻煩,然後,回台灣的日子也近了。十二月三日,估計一下行程,很有可能是我最後一次拜訪。
許久不見的沙龍主人喜多川今天感冒。大家聊了聊,沒有人動手。於是我和 akane 決定把握時間先練習。喜多川特別給了我們最顯眼的位置並幫我們開了燈。我想試試看幾個禮拜前觀摩 Pedro 做了不少次的「鐵砲縛」。
愛運動的朋友說,打球時最能看出一個人的個性。我想繩縛也是如此。過去幾個月來我變得易怒、暴躁,稍一觸動便湧起種種不快的回憶。今天狀況不好,只要一動手自己便知道:拉繩子總不順、張力調整不好、結也打得不對。我煩躁起來,憎恨起 akane 身上總卡到我的衣服。喜多川檢查 akane 的背後,「感覺很不對,結構不緊也不平衡,」他說。「你要不要先從簡單的試試看?」
After the closure of Incubus, Salon Kitagawa became the main place we regularly went to. It was lucky that we were introduced to Kitagawa san. I believe the people we met here, though all amateur shibari fans, are among the best in Japan. Perhaps even the world? Here I saw the best shibari I have ever seen, and learnt a lot too. Now that I am leaving for Taiwan permanently in January next year, this may be the last time I visit Salon Kitagawa.
Kitagawa san caught a cold, and everyone was just sitting and chatting. So we decided to do the first shibari tonight. I attempted at trying Teppou (“gun”, named so because it looks like carrying a gun on the back), which I saw Pedro doing many times several weeks ago. When you do shibari, however, you know you are not in good condition at the moment you start the first knot. Things just did not feel right. The ropes did not go smooth, the knots got loose, everything just felt unbalanced.
My fellow sportsmen friends told me that one’s personality is best observed in sports. I think it is the same shibari. In the past few months I’ve become short-tempered and irritable. I felt angry as I was tying, hating everything from small twists on the rope to the clothes akane wore that always jammed the rope.
でも一月に台湾に帰ることになり、今回の緊縛会が最後の喜多川サロンに・・・。なのに、肝心の喜多川さんが風邪を引いていて、また誰も縛りに行きそうもなかったので、一発目にやらせてもらいました。鉄砲縛り(背中に鉄砲をしょってるみたいな縛り)に挑戦。これはちょっと前にポルトガルのPドロがやってみせてくれた もの。で、もー、何かダメそうな予感は最初からしてました。予感的中、縄はダレるし、結び目はほどけるし、バランスがめちゃくちゃ。
模仿 Pedro 的橫吊。Yokotsuri, imitating Pedro.横吊り。Pドロの真似。
腰與大腿的力量分布得仔細抓準。The weight distribution between the waist and the thigh is very tricky.腰と太ももの間の体重のかけ方が難しいな〜
「好吧。」我呼一口氣,放棄似地丟下繩子,又一次溫習最有把握的橫吊。這次想模仿 Pedro 的做法,抬起身體之後再做調整,讓腳可以拉得更高。抬身體的動作仍做得不順,施力點差幾公分,重量分布便完全不同。
akane 皺眉看著我,「你今天很可怕。你在生什麼氣?」「我生自己的氣。」我回答。
After an unsuccessful suspension I gave up. Kitagawa san suggested me to start with something simpler, so I did yokotsiru again. This time I tried a slight different variation looking more like Pedro’s way: re-adjusting the leg after the body is suspended so the leg could be lifted higher. However, the weight distribution between the waist and the thigh has always been a tricky thing to me. Several centimeters could make huge difference. And I did not do it right this time.
Akaneko looked me in fear: “You look scary. What are you angry with?”
“I’m just angry with myself.”
After taking some rest, I felt I should apologise but did not know what to say. I touched her face. She was not angry with me. “Let’s practice again!” She said.
We tried a slight variation of gyaku-ebi, before we tried Teppou again. Kitagawa san examined the knots on akane’s back, “it should be alright this time,” he said. It was. It is difficult to describe what made the difference. Slight differences in tension here and there, all these together results in a more balanced structure. Shibari is a difficult art.
直立起來的逆海老。A more “vertical” variation of gyaku-ebi.逆海老の垂直版
腰部支撐起一部份的體重。The waist took part of the weight.腰縄で体重を支えてます
這次鐵砲縛成功了。Teppou worked this time.鉄砲吊り成功!
臨走前,akane 希望在沙龍的牆上留張拍立得照片當作曾來過一遭的紀念。於是喜多川又為我們清出最好的位置並打上燈光。既然是要拍照,我們決定還是挑有把握的做,僅在背後做了蜘蛛網裝飾算是添些小變化。邊綁著我再次心虛起來。幾個禮拜前剛試出這個蜘蛛網裝飾時很得意,現在卻覺得是沒用的累贅。無論如何,Runa 為我們拍了照。這是我離開日本前在此的最後記錄了。
Before leaving, akane asked for Kitagawa san’s permission to leave a Polariod photo on their wall, as a memento that we have been here. Kitagawa san kindly agreed, so we would do our last shibari here. To be safe, I did yokotsuri yet again. For variation I used the spider web decoration. A mixed feeling came to me however. I was quite proud of this spider web when I (re)invented it two months ago. Now it all looks like redundant, over-doing decoration to me.
我們收拾東西和喜多川道別。無法說出我的感謝,在玄關我做了個張開手臂的手勢。「啊?」喜多川錯愕了一下才會過意來,「hug, hug!」笑著與我擁抱。
Akaneko 今天與喜多川聊了不少。「我跟他說我們大概是最麻煩的顧客吧。」akane 轉述喜多川的話,「他說不會,各種怪人都有。」
「比如說.. 他說還有人特別來踢館的。」
Time to say goodbye. I expressed my gratitude to Shioda san and Runa san as well as Kitagawa san’s partner Kei san. It was a pity that I could not see Kitagawa’s shibari for the last time. I did not know what to say to express to him my gratitude. At the door I opened my arms to him. For a moment he was confused, until he understood and hugged me. “Hug, hug!” He said with smile.
長い長い MM Shin からの記事でした〜。私からも本当にありがとうと言いたいです。今回の写真の服は、Kさんに頂いたもの。写真映えしてお気に入りです。大切にします。ありがとうございました。私は、まだ数回お邪魔させていただけたらと思います。その時はよろしくお願いします。
しん君 今日の横吊り 良かったよ。 あかねこちゃん 今日の撮った写真UPしてね。
日本語訳がつくまで待ってました(苦笑)精度の悪い翻訳ソフトで訳してみましたが意味不明になっちゃってましたからね。 率直な感想なのですが、Shinさんホントに縛り上手くなりましたよね。最初の頃、横吊りってこうやるんだよって教えたのが懐かしいどころか、自分なりにアレンジされて素晴しい横吊りが完成しているのは素晴しいの一言です。 意欲的なShinさんの縛りが見られなくなってしまうのは寂しい限りですが、台湾でも日本人に負けない位の緊縛を続けて下さいね。 ポラロイドはサロンのコルクボードに大切に飾らせて頂きます。 追伸:あかねこさん単身でもお気軽にサロンに遊びに来て下さい。
(Shioda さんへの MM Shin より返信) Shioda さん、メッセージありがとうございます。 Shioda さんにコツを教わるまで、何度横吊りを失敗したことか・・・。あれは自分にとって横吊りの分岐点でした。本当に感謝です。 あと、台湾の Vivi への縛りもすごかったです。細かい所まで美しい縛りでした。それ以来、自分もそうありたいと思っているけれど、まだまだみたいです。頑張ります。 私たちにとっての最後の緊縛会で Shioda さんが見せてくれた「横吊りの究極型」も忘れません。 良い思い出ばかり、本当にありがとうございました:) Shioda san, thank you for coming here to leave a message! I remember keeping failing to do yokotsuri, until you taught me the important trick. It was a big break through for me. I owe you a big thank you. Another impressive moment was when you were tying Vivi. Every detail was done so beautifully. Since then I always wish I could do like that too. However, I am still not careful enough. I’ll keep working on that. I’ll remember the “ultimate yokotsuri” you showed us that weekend. Thank you for giving me a good memory in Japan.
epicure, akaneko, I just came across your blog, and I’m kicking myself for not finding it sooner. The pictures are beautiful, but better is the honest way you both talk about how the ropes make you feel, about overcoming difficulties, etc. I produce a podcast on rope bondage, and would like to feature your site in my next podcast, just so that my listeners (many of whom know very little about rope bondage outside of the American, European, or Australian continents) can see real people doing real bondage. I hope that you will continue your exploration, and at the very least this email finds you well.
Dear Graydancer, Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! I’ve taken a brief look at your site. It looks great! Most Asian shibari practitioners, conversely, do not know about rope bondage outside Asia. So it would be great to have a chance to communicate. I’d be glad to join your PodCast. However, I have just moved to a new location. Everything is still settling down — as you can see, this website has not been updated for a while. Some links, due to technical problems during moving between machines, do not even work yet. I will try to get the site to work within a month. At that time I will contact you again. Wish you all the best!