September 1, 2006 by Shin
攝影:Photography: 攝影: crystal

位於中山北路的 JP Pub 老闆與最近勤於練習繩縛的判官熟識,邀請他到店裡做幾次繩縛示範。判官也邀我一起,於是九月一日晚上,我們便盛裝上場了!Judge, a friend of ours, has been enthusiastically practising shibari and was invited to JP Pub, a pub in Taipei, to do a shibari performance. We were then invited by Judge to join the performance too. So, here comes our first SM show on stage!台北市の JP PUB にて友人の判官(パングアン)が主催した緊縛ライブに参加!台湾で二人が人前でやるステージ(?)パフォーマンスとしては初モノです。友人の判官(パングアン)もとても縛りに情熱を持って取り組んでいます。
表演前,裝親密發閃光彈給十夜看。Before the show. We were trying to make TenNights envy us..ショー直前、十夜の前でいちゃいちゃ。
將要第一次同台囉…It would be the first time we get on stage together.この二人でパフォーマンスをやるのは初めて。
開始!Here we go!開始!
為了讓大家看得到,從 pub 的一端開始。We started from one end of the pub so people could see us clearly.良く見えるように縛り始めはお客さんの近くで。
因為與桌子太接近而打破了杯子…I broke a glass while tying…途中、縄でグラスを壊す:(
移到 pub 另一端,開始吊縛。Then we moved to the other end and started tsuri.少しずつ移動して吊りステージへ徐々に移動。
後來很多人誇 akane 的表情很媚~Charming, isn’t she?かわいいでしょ〜
「好像不錯唷,加油!」I was saying to akane: “We are doing well!”「頑張った!」とアカネコを褒める
喂.. 幹什麼幹什麼…Hey…おいおい…
多謝幫忙遞繩子的哥吉拉。Gozilla helped serving the ropes.縄のサポートしてくれたゴジラ
下一段原本該是判官的表演,但判官腰傷加重,於是由我代班與 Asa 再上一次。Judge was scheduled to perform next. However, he hurt his back the day before, so I did the next performance with Asa.昨日背骨を痛めていた判官(パングアン)に変わって急遽代役。ASA を縛る。
最後,大家偷偷安排了替阿端慶生!After all the shows, we secretly arranged a birthday party for TTCat!ライブの後、TT CAT(ティティキャット:)のために一日早いサプライズバースデーパーティ!
Oh, I’m so happy that you updated your website! Where is this bar? I’ve never seen your ‘shibari’ recently……. But Akaneko-san is beautiful as usual, and you seems fine. I will write to you later soon!
アカネコちゃん以外も縛るなんて シン君、積極的だね。
Rui san, wow! Thank you for leaving a message so quick! By mistake, I published the article before adding akaneko’s translation. Thank you so much for your constant help and care. 🙂 It’s a bar in Taipei. As the article says, we were invited to do a performance. I was very happy to be on stage with akaneko. With her I felt the most intimate and loving. In fact I have not practiced shibari for months. Now I’ve kind of forgotten my skills and cannot even do a proper gyakuebi. So instead I tried something looking beautiful but actually quite easy. Perhaps you and Tougo san can see. We were supposed to perform in two consecutive weeks. In the week after, however, the pub was raided by police and the show was cancelled. We will post more articles about it.
ニィハオ!Rui 小姐、ミロ先生、好久不見!(=お久しぶりです!) 台湾で元気に生きてますよ〜。実は私にとっては半年ぶりの縛りなんでーす。 你好!Rui小姐,Miro先生,好久不見! 我在台灣很好。這是我六個月來第一次被綁呢。 Hello, Rui-san & Miro-san. Long time no see. I have a happy life in Taiwan. This was the first Shibari in the last 6 months!
上で Shin/epicure も言っているけれど、二週目の時は警察の立入検査を受けて(びっくり!!)中止になってしまいました。。。
関係無いけど・・・いいなあ~あかねこちゃん。 トリリンガルだ・・・・素晴らしい^^
Sorry to hear that the pub was raided by police . . . I hope the raid had nothing to do with your performance as from the photos it seems very PG-13 rather than anything crossing bounds. Be well. The photos are very nice. – Brian
我是九月八日在JP pub被臨檢的倒楣鬼之一的黃先生 很高興能認識小林先生與Akaneko san 我體會到縛與被縛 信任與被信任 彼此的情感交流 透過繩子神奇的描繪 浮現出悅虐的激情 非常高興台灣有自己的繩縛文化 讓我們激蕩出自己的風格吧 還有其他場次的表演要告訴我喔 我一定會再參加
お久しぶりです。 縛り。 うーん、すごいなぁ・・・。
Rui san もトリリンガルですねー 日本語、英語、ロシア語も上手です! 私は.. 2.5リンガルですか? ひつじ さん、お久しぶりです! Chris, 謝謝您來看我們!當天讓來捧場的朋友們撲了空,真是很遺憾。關於當天的情形,我和皮繩愉虐邦的朋友們另外有了一些討論:偏差、偏見、與權力 — 我在 JP Pub 的一堂公民課。 我和 akaneko 表演的機會可能不多。倒是今年十二月第一週,皮繩愉虐邦會再次從日本請人來表演。到時歡迎捧場唷! Brian, we did intentionally kept the performance with in the PG-13 bounds. However, that probably did not help much, since the policemen needed no reason to raid a pub — Taiwan is perhaps among the few countries where everyone is required to carry their id cards all the time and the police has the authority to check everyone’s id in any ‘public space’, whose definition includes these pubs. Officially they visited the pub as a regular check. Were it 10 years ago, the police may as well raid a pub if they suspect it’s where gay people hung out — even if they did not violate any law. The thing is that it’s not about law, it’s about intolerance to differences. I’ll give some more account about what happened in the police raid the next Friday — after I get the photos from Crystal. 🙂
epicure 老大 可惜演出中斷了 不過還是恭喜你們踏出表演的第一步 期待你們下一次的演出
請告訴我JP PUB的地址,我想去,謝謝!
小魚, JP Pub 位於中山北路附近。不過據我所知,繩縛表演就只有那麼一次了呢。