September 30, 2006 by akane

台灣同志遊行感覺上規模比起東京的遊行還要大。原本我們只是要去看,結果還是與夥伴們一起走完了全程!Taiwan Pride 2006 looks bigger than Tokyo Pride. We went there just to see the parade…Eventually we joined it as we expected:)「台湾プライド2006(いわゆるゲイパレード)」は東京のよりも規模が大きい感じがしました。見るだけのつもりだったのですけれど・・・結局参加してしまいました:)
搭後學的車到松山菸廠。On the way to the starting point, in Ho-Xue’s car.
Akaneko, Emily, 與 Linda.Akaneko, Emily, and Linda.Akaneko, Emily, Linda
在摩斯漢堡化妝、準備。Getting prepared in Mos Burger.モスバーガーで準備中。
再度使出紅布絕招。會不會被誤會為在倒扁呀?We used the same red cloth again.
上街囉!On the Streets!パレード開始!
小狼一路扛著十字架。小狼 carried the cross all the way.十字架を背負っているのは小狼。蘋果麵包的妹妹也來助陣。
十夜化身成為機車女警了嗎?Policewoman on a motorcycle!ミニスカポリスに変身の十夜。
經過 SOGO 百貨!Passing by SOGO.台湾のそごう前通過中。
人山人海的終點。Lots of people at the ending point.たくさんの人です。
今年的重頭戲:同志婚禮。Gay marriage marks the highlight of the parade.今年のメインイベント、同性結婚式。
當時不覺得,回到家之後立刻體力不支了…Falling into sleep immediately after arriving home..2時間以上歩き回り、帰宅後、爆睡。
いや~、ねこちゃん、いいっすね! 近くで見た~い(笑) お二人とも、元気でなによりです^^b
Yep . . . definately not the “lesbian’s lovely back” . . . it is definately the backside (butt) that attracted the news photographers. That and the handcuffs on a beautiful woman. No doubt about it.
那天因故無法北上參與遊行.所以錯失和你認識的機會! 我是”皮繩” 高雄的紅月 可以認識妳嗎??
看到這些照片~~~ 嗚~~錯過好多喔~~
Everything okay? We haven’t seen any new posts from you in awhile. I hope all is well.
Brian, Oh, everything is alright. Thank you for your constant care! 🙂 Indeed we have not updated the website for a while. These days we have been busy moving in, buying all the furniture, getting adapted to new life. We still have not given up the plan building a SM room in our flat. But that has to wait until.. well, until I have time to choose the curtains, etc. 🙂 I’ll send you another email to your NCCU account. Oh, by the way, will you be free on either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd of December? We in BDSM.TW are (terribly) busy preparing for an event then. We will invite two SM performers from Japan, together with their models. Will you be interested to take a look?
いや、楽しそうなパレードですね^^ お二人とも、台湾にいたのですね。 凄い活動をしていますね。 こちらへ来たときは、是非、また、ご一緒させてください。