
July 17, 2007. by Shin

七月中,我們收到了 mond 的 email, 問我們能不能見面?廿三歲的 mond 是SMJG 柏林分部相當活躍的成員,今年夏天到台灣遊玩。

一個晚上我們在信義區約見面。果然如預期中地好認:穿著黑馬甲和高跟鞋的高大女孩讓街上每個人都不覺多看幾眼。mond 告訴我們許多德國 SM 圈的事情。SMJG 似乎是個以年輕人為主要成員(27 歲算老了!),在德國各地相當成功的團體。

在台北的幾天,mond 顯然被悶得很無聊。可惜我們不能幫她辦個聚會。但 mond 仍說很喜歡這裡,希望能再來。她答應給我許多德國的資料,相當期待囉!


July 17, 2007. by Shin

In middle of July, we received an email from mond, visiting Taipei from Berlin, Germany. She is only 23 years old, but she has been organising many events for SMJG in Berlin.

We met up in Xin-Yi area, close to the 101 building and Warner Village. It was not difficult to recognise her: the tall girl in tight black corsets and high-heels got everyone’s attention on the street! We went to a pub for a drink, and she told us a lot about the scene in Germany. SMJG, in which a 27 year-old member would be be considered old, sounds like a very active SM community in Germany.

mond is very friendly, talkative, and fun to be with. We talked about how differently people in Germany, Taiwan, and Japan run their local SM scenes, and yet these scenes still share something, good and bad, in common. Apparently she was very bored in Taipei, and unfortunately we could not organise a munch when she was in Taiwan. Still, she said she likes the city a lot and would like to visit again.

She promised to give me more information about BDSM in Germany. Let us wait and see!


July 17, 2007. by Akane






最後修改日期: 5 5 月, 2015





已經修好囉!我之前斷斷續續研究了一個禮拜,最後才發現是並不難修復的資料庫問題… 抱歉拖了那麼久…

你们好,喜欢你们的绳缚,什么时候来北京啊?欢迎,这里喜欢绳缚的朋友很多啊. 加油!

Hi everybody! I already dropped you a mail… not with all the promised info, but that will come later. Still thinking about the discussion board and everything. Everytime I close my eyes I’m in Taipei again, also missing you guys! Too bad we couldn’t talk more, but I hope we’ll stay in touch. I hope you both are well and we’ll meet again some day [don’t forget my invitation, it’s unlimited ;-)]! Regards from Berlin, mond ps: everybody is invited to contact me, if you dare 😉 mond @ lunique . de



yoga, 謝謝你的留言!你是怎麼找到這個網站的呢? 最近暫時沒有到北京的計畫,不過如果去北京,一定會試著跟當地的 BDSMer 們搭上線的。 mond, how is everything in Berlin now? Please send me some more info. about the scene there. And do let me know if you decide to set up an international forum!

hi shin, the international forum will be set up soon, the SMJG guys just need some time. I’ll send you the login data as soon as I get to know. take care, mond

我很欣賞這邊的人們與喜歡的捆綁趣味,我自己也是bdsm的多年同好 誠心希望能夠與大家認識與交流,我住在台北,男生,希望大家多多指教

喜欢,欣赏你们, 我是南京 http://www.s2m.cn 的摄影师和绳师,希望和你们交流 yjj2080@163.com


我是重庆的男M,有机会来重庆吗?电邮czd771208@163.com 真希望能一起玩啊,谢谢

えっと、日本で来年の1月29日、30日に縛りのすごい大きいイベントがある。 世界から、5、6人の縛りが上手い人を呼びます。 その中で台湾代表で、しんさんにSHOWをやってほしいです。 ギャラは、日本円で5万円出します。 泊まる所は、ウチのスタッフの家に泊まる感じになるか、自分自身でホテルを借りてもらう事になります。 飛行機代は、しんさん負担になります。 その5万円でやりくりしてほしい。 SHOWは、20分~30分の29日か30日のどちらか1日です。 音源は、CDで。 ヨーロッパから3、4人、アジアから3人、日本から10人、アメリカから1人 の世界の縄イベントで、大変名誉のあるイベントです。 しんさんに聞いてもらって大丈夫でしょうか?

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