[:zh]Mar. 14 今年情人節,紅音因為工作之故忙得連睡覺的時間都不夠。一個月後,我們終於在白色情人節一併慶祝!紅音今天跑了兩趟超級市場,買食物與我喜歡的酒、做了可口的蛋糕... 辛苦啦![:en]Mar. 14 During February, Akane was so busy at work that she did not even get enough sleep, let alone celebrating Valentine. Thus we postponed all the celebration to the "White Day". For the lovely dinner tonight, Akane went to the supermarket twice, bought the food, the wine, the beer I like, and baked a delicious cake! Thanks to her we had a happy evening. Thank you![:ja]Mar. 14 March 14, 2007 by Akane