
Merry Xmas!

Dec. 24. [lang_zh]祝大家耶誕快樂!感謝才第二次見面就送了我們一對可愛貓耳朵的小色喵喵。白色馬甲則是唯美館的產品。相當合身,確實如他們所說是適合東方人穿著的 fetish wear。過年想添購新衣的朋友們可以考慮唷![/lang_zh][lang_en]Merry Christmas to everyone! Thanks to MeowMeow who gave us these pair of lovely cat ears. The white corset is from YME House, our friends in Hong Kong. The aim of the company is to design fetish wear suitable for Asian people, and indeed corset fits very well. Visit their online store if you are thinking about getting some new dress for the new year![/lang_en]

Nawatsuya 2006: Behind the Scenes

Dec. 9. [lang_zh]原來這就是敬業。狂美一拋絲帶變出一根棒子時,我看到 Linda 笑了一下,眼中閃出光。於是我覺得,擔心什麼呢?畢竟我們將給觀眾的東西可一點都不含糊。我想,我從他們身上得到了能量。[/lang_zh][lang_en]That was the moment I realised what professionalism means. When Kurumi, in his magic trick, pulled a wand out of no where, I saw Linda smiling with her eyes shining. What's to worry about, now that we've got such good performers? I said to myself. Without language, they encouraged us and gave us energy using their performance.[/lang_en][lang_ja]その時、プロ意識というものを理解した。「こんなすばらしいパフォーマーがいるのに、心配する事なんか何もない」と分かった。言葉は通じなくとも、パフォーマーの皆さんはそのパフォーマンスで私たちにやる気とエネルギーをくれたのだ。[/lang_ja]

Symposium on SM Performance and Bodyart

Nov. 26.[lang_zh]在紫藤蘆辦的座談會,為今年的夜色繩艷表演定調。 [/lang_zh][lang_en]A symposium held in Wistaria House (紫藤蘆), hoping to set the tune for the Nawatsuya performance this year. "There is no point asking 'Is it porn or art?' Porn is a necessity, and we were never interested in art without a erotic touch," so we told the journalists. [/lang_en][lang_ja]紫藤蘆にてSM座談会。[/lang_ja]

Bondi Beach

Nov. 12. [lang_zh]短暫的雪梨行,我們去了世界知名的邦迪海灘![/lang_zh][lang_en]We visited the renowned Bondi Beach during our short trip to Sydney.[/lang_en][lang_ja]シドニーで人気のボンダイビーチに行ってきました。[/lang_ja]

Taiwan Pride 2006

Sep. 30. [lang_zh]台灣同志遊行感覺上規模比起東京的遊行還要大![/lang_zh][lang_en]Taiwan Pride 2006 looks bigger than Tokyo Pride. [/lang_en][lang_ja]「台湾プライド2006(いわゆるゲイパレード)」は東京のよりも規模が大きい感じがしました。見るだけのつもりだったのですけれど・・・結局参加してしまいました:)[/lang_ja]

“Lesbian showing off beautiful back in the parade!”

Sep. 30. [lang_zh]「女同志大露美背 性感遊行去~」這是新聞標題。看照片,啊,那可不是 akaneko 嗎![/lang_zh][lang_en]"Lesbian showing off her beautiful back in the parade!" says the headline. And hey, isn't it akaneko in the picture?[/lang_en][lang_ja] 「『女同志大露美背 性感遊行去~(パレードでセクシーな:)背中をさらすレズビアン)』ってあかねこの写真じゃない??」[/lang_ja]

Shibari Live @ JP Pub

Sep. 1. [lang_zh]位於中山北路的 JP Pub 老闆與最近勤於練習繩縛的判官熟識,邀請他到店裡做幾次繩縛示範。判官也邀我一起,於是九月五日晚上,我們便盛裝上場了![/lang_zh][lang_en]Judge, a friend of ours, has been enthusiastically practising shibari and was invited to JP Pub, a pub in Taipei, to do a shibari performance. We were then invited by Judge to join the performance too. So, here comes our first SM show on stage![/lang_en][lang_ja]台北市の JP PUB にて友人の判官(パングアン)が主催した緊縛ライブに参加!台湾で二人が人前でやるステージ(?)パフォーマンスとしては初モノです。友人の判官(パングアン)もとても縛りに情熱を持って取り組んでいます。[/lang_ja]