Akane on SM Sniper
[:zh]Apr. 8 收到了風見蘭喜寄來的 S&M Sniper 雜誌,刊登了夜色繩艷慶功宴的照片與日記![:en]Apr. 8 We received the March issue of S&M Sniper with Kazami san's photos and diary of one evening.[:ja]Apr. 8 日本ではおなじみのSMスナイパーの3月号に写真つきです。うふふ。[:]
[:zh]Apr. 8 收到了風見蘭喜寄來的 S&M Sniper 雜誌,刊登了夜色繩艷慶功宴的照片與日記![:en]Apr. 8 We received the March issue of S&M Sniper with Kazami san's photos and diary of one evening.[:ja]Apr. 8 日本ではおなじみのSMスナイパーの3月号に写真つきです。うふふ。[:]
[:zh]Mar 14. 綁脖子真是相當危險的事情。我們這次蠻幸運的。請大家不要輕易嘗試。[:en]Mar 14. Tying the neck is extremely dangerous. We were lucky this time. I would advice you never attempt to try it at all![:ja]Mar 14. ちょっと前のホワイトデーの時にアクシデントがあったって書いたけれど、その詳細です。[:]
[:zh]Mar 24. 參加無限、楓、和另外兩位朋友的生日 Party。[:en]Mar 24. Invited to the birthday party for Wuxian, Kaede, and two other friends.[:ja]Mar 24. 4人くらいの合同誕生会のハズが、緊縛会になっちゃいました:)[:]
[:zh]Jan. 1. 終於在台灣補請客。在把婚紗還回去之前,好好使用一番...[:en]Jan. 1. We had a wedding ceremony recently. Some quick shibari before returning the dress.[:ja]Jan. 1. 結婚式で使ったウェディングドレスを返す前に速攻で縛りをやりました:)[:]
Nov. 26.[lang_zh]在紫藤蘆辦的座談會,為今年的夜色繩艷表演定調。 [/lang_zh][lang_en]A symposium held in Wistaria House (紫藤蘆), hoping to set the tune for the Nawatsuya performance this year. "There is no point asking 'Is it porn or art?' Porn is a necessity, and we were never interested in art without a erotic touch," so we told the journalists. [/lang_en][lang_ja]紫藤蘆にてSM座談会。[/lang_ja]
Nov. 18. [lang_zh]為了幫兩週後的夜色繩艷 2006 宣傳,皮繩愉虐邦辦了一場萬聖節扮裝 party. 我們又得上場囉![/lang_zh][lang_en]As a promotion for the incoming Nawatsuya 2006, people in BDSM Taiwan decided to organise a halloween costume party, and we would again do some shibari to entertain our guests![/lang_en][lang_ja][/lang_ja]
Sep. 1. [lang_zh]位於中山北路的 JP Pub 老闆與最近勤於練習繩縛的判官熟識,邀請他到店裡做幾次繩縛示範。判官也邀我一起,於是九月五日晚上,我們便盛裝上場了![/lang_zh][lang_en]Judge, a friend of ours, has been enthusiastically practising shibari and was invited to JP Pub, a pub in Taipei, to do a shibari performance. We were then invited by Judge to join the performance too. So, here comes our first SM show on stage![/lang_en][lang_ja]台北市の JP PUB にて友人の判官(パングアン)が主催した緊縛ライブに参加!台湾で二人が人前でやるステージ(?)パフォーマンスとしては初モノです。友人の判官(パングアン)もとても縛りに情熱を持って取り組んでいます。[/lang_ja]
July 18.[lang_zh]去年的昨天,繩師明智伝鬼辭世。一年後,曾與明智伝鬼學習繩縛的葡萄牙繩師 Pedro拍攝了一系列名為「Back to the Basics」的照片,以追本溯源的心情重現明智伝鬼的繩藝。他特別選了這天提供照片給我們,希望與大家一起紀念這位一代繩師。[/lang_zh][lang_en]Akechi Denki, one of the most respected nawashi, passed away on 17th July 2005, one year ago yesterday. One year later, our Portuguese friend Pedro who learnt shibari from Akechi sensei, took a series of photos as a one-year tribute to Akechi. Under the title "Back to the Basics", he hopes to relive the techniques of Akechi sensei. Pedro chose this particular date to send us the photos, so that people do not forget about Akechi, his love to rope, and his teachings.[/lang_en][lang_ja]Akechi Denki, one of the most respected nawashi, passed away on 17th July 2005, one year ago yesterday. One year later, our Portuguese friend Pedro who learnt shibari from Akechi sensei, took a series of photos as a one-year tribute to Akechi. Under the title "Back to the Basics", he hopes to relive the techniques of Akechi sensei. Pedro chose this particular date to send us the photos, so that people do not forget about Akechi, his love to rope, and his teachings.[/lang_ja]
July 1 [lang_zh]一月搬回台灣,將近半年之後終於有機會再度拜訪喜多川沙龍。[/lang_zh][lang_en]Finally I have got a chance to visit Salon Kitagawa again after moving to Taiwan in January.[/lang_en]